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"I will be a transparent, accountable, and sensible representative for my constituents."




I support quality education for all citizens; however, it needs to be affordable for the taxpayers and for the students. College graduates are leaving school with excessive loan repayments, caused by skyrocketing tuition rates and high levels of borrowing. Recent graduates are unable to get a good start in life because of their debt, and are in this position because of decades of policies supported by both political parties. Student financial assistance programs need to be made sustainable and must be strengthened. Policies should ensure that those who need help most receive aid, and that the interest rates do not keep climbing, ultimately pushing the students further into debt.


When I was working for the Salem, NH Fire Department, I was known as “Lieutenant Green” – a tribute to my commitment to recycling, turning off the lights, and lowering the heat. This moniker has followed me to Danville, where I am often called “Chief Green.”  


I am passionate about using resources wisely. My family and I heat our 2,600 sq. ft. home with wood, and use limited fuel for hot water only. We are all responsible for this Earth, and I think renewable energy, such as solar, biomass, and wind, should be examined in local governments. This would create jobs, lower our dependence on fossil fuels, and save taxpayers money in the long run. 


I feel the pain of many Americans as my health care costs continue to rise, and would vote to reform the current system. Instead of being stuck in our current situation, I feel that free market reforms, and a patient-centered health care system would increase competition, lower costs, and ensure quality health care. Having a health care system run by the government reduces the efficiency and standard of care, compromises the patient, and increases waiting periods.


My distaste for the Affordable Care Act is not only due to rising costs, but also because so many Americans were made false promises. Americans were told that they could keep their health care plans and doctors, only later to be told that was not the truth, that they would have to pay substantially more in order to do so, or that they were dropped completely. Many of us know people who were affected by this Act, and it was a terrible abuse of trust by the current administration. 


My grandparents are immigrants from Eastern Europe, and I am proud of my background. Many Americans are also descendants of immigrants, or are immigrants themselves. I very much recognize that the education, culture, and ideas brought here by immigrants have improved the United States.


That being said, I believe that we, the citizens, are responsible for protecting this country. The immigration system must be structured so that it supports the needs of national security, making the system both legal and safe for everyone. Those in this country illegally should not be provided with the same benefits as citizens.

I support legal immigration, and even though I see enforcing tighter immigration laws as a priority, I also feel that we should be welcoming to those who have entered America through legal avenues. 


No one likes taxes! I believe that it is our job to fund essential services only, giving more money back to the American people, especially to families with children. I am against any income or sales tax in New Hampshire, and would vote to lower taxes and increase efficiency in the New Hampshire State Government.


As a pro-business Republican, I am a strong supporter of small businesses. I have owned two – Yankee Chimney and Salem Fire Extinguisher Company. I sold Salem Fire Extinguisher Company in 2006, after increasing the revenue and customer base 400% in just four years. I feel that small businesses should be given the opportunity to grow and succeed, and not be smothered and subjected to the mass regulations and policies that are only beneficial for "Corporate America."


Strong businesses are built upon the understanding that employer-employee relationships must acknowledge the individuals quality of life. In other words, there must be a sense of employee empowerment, workplace flexibility, and growth and ownership opportunities. We should reward the workforce who has made our nation strong by providing good working conditions, strong pension plans, and quality health insurance. When that is done, employees become stronger, and so do businesses. Review the Market Basket boycott. Employees are fighting for a CEO that has empowered them, encouraged them, and helped them. I applaud and support the courageous employees of Market Basket. Their efforts prove that workers cannot be silenced, whether they belong to a union or not.


Americans have the right to own, carry, and use firearms. When it comes to gun control, I would vote against any increase in these laws. In fact, I believe that the government should issue law abiding citizens a national concealed weapons permit, good in all 50 states.



Although I am personally against abortion, I do not think anyone has the right to tell a woman what to do or not do with her own body. Each case should be decided by the woman and her doctor, not by a politician.



If two people are in a committed relationship, gender does not make a difference. All couples should enjoy the same rights and privileges.



I support a court’s decision to impose the death penalty. 

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